SAT Test Centers and Dates in Mauritania

By | March 19, 2019

According to the College Board, there are 1 test centers for SAT and SAT Subject Tests in Mauritania. Please note that before you register either of the SAT exams, you should choose your test date and test location. Each testing location is affiliated with an educational institution, such as high school, community college, or university. The following test centers administer one or more of 2019 and 2020 SAT tests in Mauritania.

SAT Test Centers and Dates in Mauritania

2019 – 2020 SAT Test Dates in Mauritania

  • March 9, 2019
  • May 4, 2019
  • June 1, 2019
  • August 24, 2019
  • October 5, 2019
  • November 2, 2019
  • December 7, 2019
  • March 14, 2020
  • May 2, 2020
  • June 6, 2020
  • August 29, 2020
  • October 3, 2020
  • November 7, 2020
  • December 5, 2020

SAT Testing Centers in Mauritania


Address: Rue 420100 (rue Abdallaye), Nouakchott, W Africa, Mauritania
Center Code: 78866

More about Mauritania

  • REMZFAMILY: Modern history of Mauritania from World War I to today, covering all major events on politics, economy, society, and technology.


According to the constitution adopted by referendum on July 12, 1991 (revised by referendum on June 25, 2006), Mauritania is a presidential republic. The constitution, which declares Mauritania an Islamic, indivisible, democratic and social state, enshrines the separation of powers and party pluralism. Islam is the state religion and Sharia Basis of case law. The President, directly elected for a period of five years (his term of office was limited to two terms), acts as head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces; it has extensive powers, appoints the prime minister and can dissolve parliament and impose a state of emergency. The legislature lies with the bicameral parliament, consisting of the National Assembly (147 members, elected for 5 years) and the Senate (54 members, who are elected for 6 years by the municipal councils and 3 co-opted members). Senate elections take place every two years for a third of the members. In another constitutional referendum on August 5, 2017, the population voted for the dissolution of the Senate.

National symbols

The national flag, anchored in the constitution of March 22, 1959, shows the rising yellow crescent moon with the five-pointed star in the middle of the green cloth. The flag symbolizes Islam in the Sunni direction. With the constitutional amendment of 2017, the flag was given a red stripe at the top and bottom to commemorate the willingness of the population to shed their own blood for the independence and territorial integrity of the country.

Instead of a coat of arms, Mauritania has a state seal, which was established in the law of August 3, 1960. It shows a five-pointed star and a crescent moon below it. In front of it are a date palm and two millet cuttings. On the edge is the official name of the state in French and Arabic.

The national holiday is November 28th, it commemorates the gaining of independence in 1960.


In the course of the political upheavals of recent years, there have also been changes in the party landscape. The leading party political force is the ruling Union pour la République (UPR; founded in 2009). The Union pour la Démocratie et le Progrès (UDP; founded 1993) also belongs to the government camp. Opposition parties include the moderate Islamist group Rassemblement National pour le Renouveau et la Démocratie-Tawassoul (RNRD-Tawassoul; registered 2007), the Parti de l’Entente Démocratique et Sociale-El Wiam (PEDS-El Wiam; founded 2010), the Alliance Populaire Progressiste (APP; founded 1991) and the Rassemblement des Forces Démocratiques (RFD; founded 1991). In exile, the Forces de Liberation Africaine de Mauritanie (FLAM) acts as a representative of the black African population.


In addition to the state-controlled Union des Travailleurs de Mauritanie (UTM), there have been, inter alia, since 1994. the independent Confédération Générale des Travailleurs de Mauritanie (CGTM) and the Confédération Libre des Travailleurs de Mauritanie (CLTM, affiliated to the UFP). Check themakeupexplorer to see Trade Unions in Central Africa.


The total strength of the conscription army (service period 24 months) is around 15,850, that of the paramilitary forces (gendarmerie, national guard, etc.) around 3,000 men. The army has around 15,000, the air force around 250 and the navy around 600 men.


Mauritania is divided into 12 regions (Wilajate) and the capital region Nouakchott (with 9 districts).


The law codified in 1961 based on the French model (with Sharia courts existing in parallel) was replaced by Islamic law (Sharia) in 1980. The legislation continues to follow a western pattern, but must be in accordance with Islamic law. In addition to the Islamic Court of Justice, there is a Supreme Court, an Appeals Court, a Special Court for State Security and a Constitutional Court. The courts of first instance consist of a high court, local Islamic judges and the labor court.


The media landscape is relatively diverse and freedom of the press is guaranteed. However, informal bans on topics and pressure on journalists limit reporting.

Press: There are around 30 newspapers, mostly with low circulation and low circulation. The largest daily newspapers are »La Tribune«, »L’Authentique« (French), »Essirage«, »Akhbar Nouakchott« (Arabic) and the »Châab« (French: »Horizons«) published by the state news agency. Weekly papers include »Al-Qalam« (»Le Calame«, founded in 1994) and »L’Eveil Hebdo«.

News agency: Agence Mauritanienne de l’Information (AMI), state-founded in 1975, current name since 1990; Sahara Media, private (with radio program).

Broadcasting: The state Office de Radiodiffusion et Télévision de Mauritanie (ORTM, founded 1958) broadcasts a radio program (Radio Mauritanie) and two television programs (TVM) in Arabic and French. »Sahel TV« is a private broadcaster. Satellite television reception from Europe and other Arab countries is also widespread.