We have found 6 business schools in Wisconsin that offer part-time MBA programs leading to an Master of Business Administration degree. Check the following list to see average GMAT score, acceptance rate and total enrollment for each of Wisconsin MBA universities.
- ASK4BEAUTY: Brief history and politics of state Wisconsin. Also covers latest population and geographical information of Wisconsin.
List of Top MBA Schools in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Brief History
The first European to land in Wisconsin was the Frenchman Jean Nicolet in 1634, who was looking for a waterway across the North American continent to the Pacific Ocean. He also founded the first European settlement here – a trading post that grew into the modern city of Green Bay. In 1673, in search of the great Mississippi River, the expedition of Jacques Marquette and Louis Jollier passed through Wisconsin.
The name of the state of Wisconsin comes from the river of the same name. Jacques Marquette, who was the first European to see her, named her Meskousing. That is how he wrote down the name of the river used by the Indians who lived here; it is believed that this word meant “red stones” or “place of red stones” (perhaps, red sandstone was meant, the fragments of which are dotted with shores). Later, other French researchers began to pronounce this name as Ouisconsin, and even later it was anglicized and received a modern look.
In the second half of the 18th century, as a result of the French and Indian War, Britain gained control of the territory of Wisconsin. Just like the French before them, the British were here only buying furs from Indian hunters.
After the creation of a new North American state, Wisconsin formally became owned by the United States of America. In 1787, it became part of the newly created Northwest Territory, from 1800 – Indiana Territory, and in 1809 became part of the Illinois Territory. In fact, the United States was able to establish its presence (including military) in Wisconsin only after the end of the war of 1812-15.
In 1818, Wisconsin became part of the Michigan Territory. In 1836, the Territory of Wisconsin was created by the United States Congress, and in 1848 Wisconsin became the thirtieth state of the United States.
If in the first half of the 19th century the economy of Wisconsin was based almost exclusively on the extraction of minerals (lead), then in the second half of the “steam century” railroads were built in the state and lumber production, brewing and, especially rapidly, agriculture began to develop. In the early decades of the 20th century, Wisconsin became the leading dairy producer in the United States, earning the fame of “America’s Dairy Land”.