Top Part-time MBA Programs in Virginia

By | April 20, 2019

We have found 9 business schools in Virginia that offer part-time MBA programs leading to an Master of Business Administration degree. Check the following list to see average GMAT score, acceptance rate and total enrollment for each of Virginia MBA universities.

  • ASK4BEAUTY: Brief history and politics of state Virginia. Also covers latest population and geographical information of Virginia.

List of Top MBA Schools in Virginia

Rank MBA Schools
1 Virginia Tech (Pamplin)
Acceptance rate: 0.896
Part-time Enrollment: 126
Average GMAT score: 600
Location: Blacksburg, VA
2 University of Richmond (Robins)
Acceptance rate: 0.763
Part-time Enrollment: 101
Average GMAT score: 620
Location: Richmond, VA
3 College of William and Mary (Mason)
Acceptance rate: 0.81
Part-time Enrollment: 180
Average GMAT score: 563
Location: Williamsburg, VA
4 George Mason University
Acceptance rate: 0.721
Part-time Enrollment: 303
Average GMAT score: 610
Location: Fairfax, VA
5 Virginia Commonwealth University
Acceptance rate: 0.645
Part-time Enrollment: 299
Average GMAT score: 548
Location: Richmond, VA
6 James Madison University
Acceptance rate: 0.837
Part-time Enrollment: 78
Average GMAT score: 564
Location: Harrisonburg, VA
7 Old Dominion University
Acceptance rate: 0.429
Part-time Enrollment: 299
Average GMAT score: 550
Location: Norfolk, VA
8 Radford University
Acceptance rate: 0.75
Part-time Enrollment: 50
Average GMAT score: 430
Location: Radford, VA
9 Shenandoah University (Byrd)
Acceptance rate: 1
Part-time Enrollment: 37
Average GMAT score: N/A
Location: Winchester, VA

Part-time MBA Programs in Virginia

Nature in Virginia

The state of Virginia is part of the South Atlantic States region of the United States and borders the state of Maryland and Washington, D.C. to the north; the states of West Virginia in the northwest; Kentucky in the west; Tennessee and North Carolina in the south. From the east, Virginia is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

The area of ​​the state of Virginia is 110,785 km 2 (35th place among the states of the USA).

Due to the peculiarities of the relief, Virginia is divided into several regions. In the east of the state, along the Atlantic Ocean, coastal lowlands and estuaries (mouths) of numerous rivers stretch. This region of Virginia is called Tidewater. To the west is a low (up to three hundred meters above sea level) Piedmont plateau . It is in Tidewater and Piedmont that Virginia has the most favorable conditions for agriculture, and it is here, along with other crops, that the famous Virginia tobacco is grown.

Further west rise the Blue Ridge (or Blue Ridge) Mountains, the highest part of the Appalachian mountain range. The highest point in the state of Virginia, Mount Rogers (1746 meters above sea level), is also located here.

Further west is the Ridge and Valley region. It is formed by the valleys (ShenandoahRoanoke and others) entering the Great Valley of the Appalachians and the relatively low (about a thousand meters above sea level) mountains separating them. In the extreme southwest of the state is the Cumberland Plateau, part of the Appalachian Plateau.

About four thousand caves are known in the mountains of Virginia. Some of them are very picturesque and open to tourists.

Bursting deep into Virginia is the Chesapeake Bay (Chesapeake Bay), the largest river estuary in the United States. Chesapeake Bay, as it is also called, was formed tens of millions of years ago as a result of the fall of a large meteorite. The length of the Chesapeake Bay is about three hundred kilometers, the width is about fifty kilometers, and the area is about 11,600 km 2. The greatest depth in the bay is 63 meters.

More than one hundred and fifty rivers and streams flow into the bay located on the territory of the states of Virginia and Maryland, the basin area of which exceeds 165,000 km 2.

The Chesapeake Bay separates two counties from the mainland of Virginia, located on the Delmarva Peninsula, the so-called “East Coast of Virginia”.

The climate of various regions of Virginia is very diverse, in the southeast of the state it is warmer and more rainfall than in the northwestern regions.

The eastern regions of the state, Tidewater and Piedmont, as well as the Ridge and Valley valleys, are characterized by a humid subtropical climate. In the mountains, climatic conditions are more severe, the climate here is continental with a fairly large amount of precipitation.

The average temperature in winter, in January, is from -3°C to 8°C. In summer, in July – from 18°C ​​to 30°C. Precipitation falls all year round, but most of all in the summer, from May to August.

Virginia is quite exposed to the elements. Thunderstorms are common here, especially in the west of the state. The coast often suffers from hurricanes, and heavy snowfalls occur in winter. Virginia sees an average of seven tornadoes a year, although usually not very strong.

About 65% of the state of Virginia is occupied by forests. Mostly these are deciduous, oak-walnut forests, but there are also mixed, mostly oak-pine forests. Oak, hickory, maple, beech, chestnut, walnut and many other species grow in the forests of Virginia.

The fauna of the state is extremely diverse. Bears, beavers, lynxes, raccoons, marmots, Virginia possums, foxes, otters, squirrels, hares live in the forests of Virginia. It is impossible not to mention the white-tailed deer, the second name of which is Virginia (or Virginian).

A lot of species of birds nest on the territory of the state, among which is one of the symbols of Virginia – the red cardinal.

More than two hundred species of fish live in the rivers and lakes of the state, and the Chesapeake Bay is the most species-rich estuary in the United States.

Widely known and very popular in the United States is the Shenandoah National Park, located in the north of the state.