Top Math Schools in Minnesota

By | April 19, 2019

Offers latest ranking of top schools for mathematics in Minnesota. You can learn what the top-ranked math colleges and universities are in Minnesota, and compare the best math colleges on Search the top graduate schools in math, view school profiles, and contact information for all 1 mathematics colleges in Minnesota. See growtheology for general information about Minnesota, including geography, major cities, politics, population, economy and famous people of state Minnesota.

Top Math Schools in Minnesota

School Rank Graduate Mathematics
1 University of Minnesota–Twin Cities
Department of Mathematics
Address: 206 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Admissions Phone: (612) 625-1306
Admissions E-mail:
Admissions Website:

History of Minnesota

According to archaeological research on the territory of the modern state of Minnesota, people have lived for about nine thousand years. It is in Minnesota (as well as in the neighboring states of Wisconsin and Michigan) that the oldest metal instruments on the North American continent, made seven thousand years ago, were discovered. The first settlements of American Indians in Minnesota appeared about three thousand years BC, about two and a half years ago, the first barrows appeared, a characteristic feature of the culture of the Indian peoples who lived in the Midwest. By the end of the first millennium, the Minnesota Indians began to actively engage in agriculture, with corn and wild (water) rice as the main crops.

By the time the Europeans arrived in Minnesota, most of the Indians living here belonged to the Dakota people. Later, at the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries, the Ojibwe Indians (anishinaabe) moved from the east under the pressure of the colonists to Minnesota.

By the way, it was in Minnesota in 1968 that the American Indian Movement was born, a public organization whose task is to protect the rights of Native Americans.

It is not known exactly when the first Europeans appeared on the lands of Minnesota, but there is one very interesting version, according to which this happened long before the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus.

In 1898, a descendant of settlers from Sweden, farmer Olaf Oman, said that while clearing his site, located near the city of Kensington, he found a hewn stone slab with some signs on it under the roots of one of the trees. Oman decided that this was an Indian artifact, but scientists at the University of Minnesota, where the find was transferred, found that the inscription on the stone was made in Scandinavian runes. The text reported that the inscription was made in 1362 by a group of Vikings who explored the lands of America. The find was named “Kensington Runestone”. Initially, the stone was recognized as a fake, but further research has shaken the scientists’ confidence in this.

The authenticity of the Kensington Runestone is still debated. There were no witnesses to its discovery, except for Olaf Oman himself and his ten-year-old son (although, according to some versions, several more workers were present), but at the same time, indirect confirmation of the authenticity of the inscription on the plate is the fact that Oman never sought to obtain any or benefit from your find. And the argument against is that the stone was found by an ethnic Swede at a time when the version of the Scandinavians who discovered America was very popular. Scientists disagree about the interpretation of the inscription on the plate and the correspondence of the runes to a particular historical period. However, if the Kensington Stone is genuine.

In the second half of the 17th century, the first French explorers came to Minnesota, mostly hunters, traders, and missionaries. Among them were Pierre Radisson, Daniel du Loot, Michel Aso, Catholic priest Louis Hennepin (it was he who discovered the St. Anthony Falls on the Mississippi River, which is located on the territory of modern Minneapolis) and others.