131 | University at Albany—SUNY – Albany, NY |
Department of Physics Address: 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222 Admissions Phone: (518) 442-4500 Admissions E-mail: physics@albany.edu Admissions Website: http://www.albany.edu/physics/graduate_studies.htm |
132 | University of Cincinnati – Cincinnati, OH |
Department of Physics Address: PO Box 210011, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0011 Admissions Phone: (513) 556-0501 Admissions E-mail: physics.grad@uc.edu Admissions Website: http://homepages.uc.edu/physics/grad/index.html |
133 | University of Houston – Houston, TX |
Department of Physics Address: 617 Science & Research Building 1, Houston, TX 77204-5505 Admissions Phone: (713) 743-3523 Admissions E-mail: nhaynes@uh.edu Admissions Website: http://phys.uh.edu/graduate/index.php |
134 | University of Maryland—Baltimore County – Baltimore, MD |
Department of Physics Address: 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250 Admissions Phone: (410) 455-2513 Admissions E-mail: physics@umbc.edu Admissions Website: http://physics.umbc.edu/grad/index.php |
135 | University of New Hampshire – Durham, NH |
Department of Physics Address: 9 Library Way, Durham, NH 03824 Admissions Phone: (603) 862-1950 Admissions E-mail: physics.grad.info@unh.edu Admissions Website: http://www.physics.unh.edu/grad/index.html |
136 | Auburn University – Auburn, AL |
Physics Department Address: 206 Allison Labs, Auburn, AL 36849 Admissions Phone: (334) 844-4264 Admissions E-mail: perez@physics.auburn.edu Admissions Website: http://www.physics.auburn.edu/ |
137 | Brigham Young University – Provo, UT |
Department of Physics and Astronomy Address: N283 ESC, Provo, UT 84602-4604 Admissions Phone: (801) 422-4361 Admissions E-mail: physics_office@byu.edu Admissions Website: http://www.physics.byu.edu/Graduate/default.aspx |
138 | Clemson University – Clemson, SC |
Department of Physics and Astronomy Address: 118 Kinard Laboratory , Clemson, SC 29634-0978 Admissions Phone: (864) 656-3416 Admissions E-mail: chacket@clemson.edu Admissions Website: http://physicsnt.clemson.edu/ |
139 | Georgia State University – Atlanta, GA |
Department of Physics and Astronomy Address: 29 Peachtree Center Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30303 Admissions Phone: (404) 413-6033 Admissions E-mail: uperera@gsu.edu Admissions Website: http://www.phy-astr.gsu.edu/new_web/newmain.html |
140 | Kent State University – Kent, OH |
Department of Physics and Astronomy Address: 29 Peachtree Center Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30303 Admissions Phone: (404) 413-6033 Admissions E-mail: uperera@gsu.edu Admissions Website: http://www.phy-astr.gsu.edu/new_web/newmain.html |