If you are going to pursue a graduate degree in chemistry within the United States, then you have come to the right place. On this page, you will find the top 100 best chemistry schools in USA. Please note that these rankings are based on student reviews, graduation rates, and the academic surveys submitted by peer colleges and universities throughout the nation.
Ranking | School Name |
91 | University of Tennessee – Knoxville – Knoxville, TN |
Department of Chemistry Address: 552 Buehler Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996-1600 Admissions Phone: (865) 974-3141 Admissions E-mail: chemistry@utk.edu Admissions Website: http://www.chem.utk.edu/graduate.html |
92 | Northeastern University – Boston, MA |
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology Admissions Phone: (617) 373-3313 Admissions E-mail: d.forsyth@neu.edu Admissions Website: http://www.chem.neu.edu/web/graduate/graduatestudies.html |
93 | Syracuse University – Syracuse, NY |
Department of Chemistry Address: 1-014 Center for Science and Technology, Syracuse, NY 13244-4100 Admissions Phone: (315) 443-2925 Admissions E-mail: jalagoe@syr.edu Admissions Website: http://chemistry.syr.edu/graduate/overview.html |
94 | University of Alabama – Tuscaloosa, AL |
Department of Chemistry Address: Box 870336, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0336 Admissions Phone: (205) 348-5954 Admissions E-mail: gradchem@bama.ua.edu Admissions Website: http://www.bama.ua.edu/~chem/graduate/graduateprograms/graduate.html |
95 | University of Missouri – Columbia, MO |
Department of Chemistry Address: 125 Chemistry Building, Columbia, MO 65211-7600 Admissions Phone: (573) 882-8374 Admissions E-mail: chemistry@missouri.edu Admissions Website: http://chemistry.missouri.edu/index.html |
96 | Auburn University – Auburn University, AL |
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Address: 179 Chemistry Building, Auburn University, AL 36849-5312 Admissions Phone: (334) 844-4043 Admissions Website: http://www.auburn.edu/cosam/departments/chemistry/graduate_studies.html |
97 | Baylor University – Waco, TX |
Department of Chemistry Address: Baylor University Sciences Building, Waco, TX 76706 Admissions Phone: (254) 710-6862 Admissions E-mail: Charles_Garner@baylor.edu Admissions Website: http://www.baylor.edu/chemistry/graduate/ |
98 | CUNY Graduate School and University Center – New York, NY |
Ph.D. Program in Chemistry Address: 365 Fifth Avenue, Room 4310, New York, NY 10016-4309 Admissions Phone: (212) 817-8135 Admissions E-mail: chemistry@gc.cuny.edu Admissions Website: http://web.gc.cuny.edu/Chemistry/index.htm |
99 | Georgetown University – Washington, DC |
Department of Chemistry Address: Box 571227, Washington, DC 20057 Admissions Phone: (202) 687-6073 Admissions E-mail: chemad@georgetown.edu Admissions Website: http://www8.georgetown.edu/departments/chemistry/ |
100 | Montana State University – Bozeman, MT |
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Address: 108 Gaines Hall, Bozeman, MT 59717 Admissions Phone: (406) 994-4801 Admissions E-mail: chemistry@chemistry.montana.edu Admissions Website: http://www.chemistry.montana.edu/graduate/ |