According to the College Board, there are 11 test centers for SAT and SAT Subject Tests in Jordan. Please note that before you register either of the SAT exams, you should choose your test date and test location. Each testing location is affiliated with an educational institution, such as high school, community college, or university. The following test centers administer one or more of 2019 and 2020 SAT tests in Jordan.
2019 – 2020 SAT Test Dates in Jordan
- March 9, 2019
- May 4, 2019
- June 1, 2019
- August 24, 2019
- October 5, 2019
- November 2, 2019
- December 7, 2019
- March 14, 2020
- May 2, 2020
- June 6, 2020
- August 29, 2020
- October 3, 2020
- November 7, 2020
- December 5, 2020
SAT Testing Centers in Jordan
More about Jordan
- ACEINLAND: Modern history of Jordan from World War I to today, covering all major events on politics, economy, society, and technology.
Jordan borders Israel to the west, Syria to the north, Iraq to the extreme northeast, and Saudi Arabia to the east and south. The southwest tip borders the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea).
Jordan only has access to the sea in the extreme south (Gulf of Aqaba of the Red Sea). About nine tenths of the country is desert or desert steppe. Jordan has a share in the eastern flank of the Jordan Rift. To the east of this rises with a steep ascent divided by deeply cut valleys up to a height of 1,754 m above sea level; in the north, slightly folded limestone and dolomite panels predominate, in the south bizarre cut sandstone plateaus. The highest point in the country is the Jabal Umm ad-Dami at 1,854 m above sea level on the border with Saudi Arabia.
To the east, this mountainous country gradually merges into the monotonous tertiary table countries of the Jordanian desert (Syrian desert). Their surface forms are only given a special form in the north by extensive young basalt castings and in the southwest by the basement (Nubian sandstone). Check ezinesports to see Asia Between Continuity and Change.
Climate and vegetation
In terms of climate, Jordan still belongs to the Mediterranean area, with precipitation only falling in the winter half-year. Only the edge of the northern section of the East Jordanian mountainous region receives so much precipitation that agriculture is possible without irrigation. Summers are dry and hot throughout Jordan, and winters are generally mild; In the higher elevations of the mountainous region, winter snowfalls and frost are possible.
Settlement and agricultural use are mainly determined by the amount of precipitation. This means that a relatively small area in the northwest (limited to the southeast by the Mafrak – Amman – Dead Sea line) forms the habitat for most of the population. Almost all of the larger settlements in Jordan are also located here. But even this preferred area is only suitable for farming as an island. The karstified, water-poor limestone plateaus of the mountainous regions are poor pasture areas or, as the remains of an originally dense oak and pine forest, they bear woody and scrub formations. Only the basin landscapes and valleys are used sustainably; Here are numerous villages in the midst of grain fields, garden parcels, vines and olive groves.
At the end of July 1988, Husain II declared .formally renounced the West Bank by Jordan and joined the Palestinian demands for the creation of an independent state. The parliament, convened again in 1984, was dissolved. In the elections of November 8, 1989, the Islamic groups, v. a. the Muslim Brotherhood, as the strongest political force. In December 1989, martial law, which had been in force since 1967, was largely repealed (finally on April 1, 1992). There were several changes of government. After the new Law on Political Parties came into force on September 1, 1992, numerous parties were admitted, most of them merging in blocks. The Islamic Action Front (IAF) emerged from the Muslim Brotherhood in December 1992 and rejects rapprochement with Israel. In the parliamentary elections on November 8th In 1993 (first multi-party election since 1956) the moderate forces that supported the king’s efforts to achieve peace with Israel triumphed; the IAF had to accept a loss of political importance. Despite the continuation of the liberalization process in the 1990s, Jordan’s political system continued to rest on the authority of the king, who relied on the army and the devotion of traditional elites, whose candidates won a majority in the 1997 elections.