LSAT Test Dates and Centers in Vermont

By | July 28, 2019

LSAT, which stands for Law School Admission Test, is an exam that must be taken by applicants who plan to study in law degree programs of Vermont. This page provides a full list of LSAT test centers and their city locations within the state of Vermont. You can select one that is nearest to you. Also offered are the most recent test dates during 2019-2020 academic year. To check detailed LSAT testing locations and dates in Vermont, please see the following tables.

LSAT Test Dates and Centers in Vermont

LSAT Testing Locations for September 21, 2019

Test Center City/State Test Date and Time
MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE Middlebury, VT 9/21/2019 8:30:00 AM

LSAT Testing Locations for November 25, 2019

Test Center City/State Test Date and Time
CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE Burlington, VT 11/25/2019 12:30:00 PM

LSAT Testing Locations for February 22, 2020 and April 25, 2020

Test Center City/State Test Date and Time
MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE Middlebury, VT 2/22/2020 8:30:00 AM

4/25/2020 8:30:00 AM


4/25/2020 8:30:00 AM

Vermont LSAT Testing Locations

The LSAT exam in Vermont may be held on weekends or public holidays.

Economy of Vermont

Vermont is a small state, it occupies the last, fiftieth place among the US states in terms of gross domestic product. Nevertheless, Vermont’s economy is fairly developed, with tourism, agriculture, industry, and mining being its main industries.

The “main” mineral resources of Vermont are marble and granite. In the Rutland area there are deposits of high-quality marble, and the city of Barre is the center of granite mining. It is believed that it is in the “Granite Valley” Barra that the world’s deepest granite quarry is located – EL Smith Quarry.

In addition, asbestos, shale, sand, gravel, and other building materials are mined in Vermont.

Although the lands of Vermont are not very suitable for farming, agriculture is very well developed in the state. First of all, this is dairy farming, it is Vermont that is one of the largest suppliers of dairy products for residents of the megacities of Boston and New York. Although the number of farms and the number of cattle in the state is declining, but the volume of milk production is constantly growing. Vermont also produces a variety of dairy products, including cheeses, butter, and ice cream.

In Vermont, especially in the valley of Lake Champlain, apples are grown, and greenhouse farming is well developed here. The state is increasing the number of extremely popular in the US “organic” farms that grow organic products.

Vermont provides over a quarter of the nation’s production of maple syrup, one of the traditional foods in the United States. In recent decades, viticulture and winemaking have gradually developed in Vermont.

The largest (in terms of the number of employees) industrial enterprise in Vermont is a semiconductor manufacturing plant in the city of Essex Junction, owned by IBMThe Vermont Teddy Bear Company, located in Shelburne, is also widely known – one of the world’s largest manufacturers of soft toys, primarily traditional teddy bears.

In addition, the plants and factories of the state produce various tools, spare parts and components (including for one of the largest US defense contractors General Dynamics), restaurant equipment, textiles, pulp and paper and other industrial products.

Vermont’s largest city, Burlington, is home to General Electric ‘s healthcare software division. General Electric also owns the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, located in the town of Vernon on the Connecticut River, providing more than 70% of the state’s electricity generation.

Tourism is the most important industry for the state. In the summer, hiking enthusiasts go to Vermont (one of the most popular tourist routes in the United States, the Appalachian Trail, passes through the state), in the autumn the state’s colorful forests are very attractive, and in winter, numerous ski resorts in the Green Mountains await winter sports enthusiasts.

First of all, for tourists in Vermont, various entertainment events are held, for example, the “Hay Festival” in Killington or the street theater competition (also known as the “Festival of Fools”) and the “Pumpkin Regatta” in Burlington.

It is also interesting that Burlington is considered one of the most beautiful cities in America (according to Forbes magazine), and Woodstock was named one of the most picturesque American villages by National Geographic. Victories in such ratings, along with the nature of Vermont, make the state even more interesting and attractive for tourists.