Our LSAT preparation courses were written by real LSAT test experts, who have all scored above the 99th percentile on LSAT exam and have attended schools such as Harvard, Yale and Columbia. These authors frequently take LSAT exam, just for figuring out what strategies can be applied to real LSAT test.
Furthermore, all of our strategies and techniques were developed through comprehensive research on previous over 23,000 real LSAT questions created by the test maker. At TopSchoolsintheUSA.com, you will get quick, customized help for any question you have- just send us a quick email and we’ll get back to you promptly with an answer. Use our online support service if you have a question or need help.
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If you complete the course, take the LSAT, and your scores do not increase over a prior official LSAT score, you will be credited for your purchase. See our products for detail: LSAT Prep Course. These courses are immediately downloadable after you pay by credit card.
More About LSAT Test
What is the LSAT exam and how the test works >>
Microedu LSAT Test Prep Company
Since 1999, we have done our best to make it easier and more convenient for you to prep for the test >>