High School CEEB Codes in Suriname

By | May 2, 2019

There are 3 high school codes in Suriname today, according to the ACT. The full list is shown below by city, with name of each high school and the city where the school is located (based on the ACT official site). You can search a school code by pressing “Ctrl” + “F” and then type school name or 6-digit school code.

Map of Suriname

High School Codes in Suriname

High School Codes by City

  • High School Code
  • 943000
  • High School Code
  • 942000
  • High School Code
  • 943004

The above lists CEEB codes (College Entrance Examination Board) for all accredited Suriname high schools. Please be informed that the list of high school codes in Suriname may change throughout the year. If you can’t find codes for the high schools of your interest, please write to us or come back at a later time. We will update our database soon after a new high school code is added to the country of Suriname.

Country Abbreviations

Known as Dutch Guayana, Suriname became independent in 1975 and, under the Constitution of March 31, 1987, is a unitary republic. Executive powerit belongs to the President of the Republic, elected for a five-year mandate by the Parliament, who has the legislative power and whose members are elected for 5 years. The judicial system in use is based on the Dutch code, with elements of French criminal law. Justice is administered by a Court of Justice and cantonal courts. The death penalty is in force in the country. The defense of the country is entrusted to the three traditional weapons: army, navy and air force; military service is not compulsory, and is carried out from 18 years of age. As for the education system, education in Suriname is compulsory from 6 to 12 years old; both cycles of education, primary and secondary, last 6 years. higher education is given at the University of Suriname (Paramaribo, 1968).

SUR is the three-letter country code of Suriname, and SR is the two-letter country code of Suriname. The two-letter suffix is used in top-level domains on the Internet as .sr.


Industrial activities, also limited due to insufficient production of electricity (almost 2000 million kWh are produced annually (2016 figure), mostly supplied by the Brokopondo water plant), are mainly aimed at the processing of agricultural and forestry products.; therefore there are sugar refineries, rice mills, oil mills, fish processing companies, tobacco factories, breweries, alcohol distilleries (mainly rum), wood processing companies (in Bruynzeel); to these are added some cement factories, the plants for the reduction of bauxite in Moengo, Onverwacht, Bruynzeel and Paranam, and finally the complex for the production of aluminum, also located in Paranam (one of the most important in South America, the main industrial center of the country, which contributed to the construction of the Brokopondo dam). § The country’s economy, however, is based on bauxite, of which it is one of the world’s largest producers, which with its derivatives (alumina and aluminum) makes up 70% of the total value of exports; almost 5 million tons of ore are extracted annually; however, the companies present believe that before 2015 the fields may run out. Mineral resources include manganese, copper, nickel, platinum, gold (in the alluvial deposits of Saramacca and Lawa); in 1981 the Gulf Oil Corporation discovered oil sands in the Saramacca district and in Tambaredjo and the following year underwater exploration began; in 2006, more than half a million tonnes of crude oil were extracted. Overall, the sector absorbs more than 22% of the active population (also considering the tertiary sector), contributing 42.7% to the formation of national wealth.