High School CEEB Codes in Namibia

By | March 20, 2019

There are 2 high school codes in Namibia today, according to the ACT. The full list is shown below by city, with name of each high school and the city where the school is located (based on the ACT official site). You can search a school code by pressing “Ctrl” + “F” and then type school name or 6-digit school code.

Map of Namibia

High School Codes in Namibia

High School Codes by City

  • High School Code
  • 636002
  • High School Code
  • 636000

The above lists CEEB codes (College Entrance Examination Board) for all accredited Namibian high schools. Please be informed that the list of high school codes in Namibia may change throughout the year. If you can’t find codes for the high schools of your interest, please write to us or come back at a later time. We will update our database soon after a new high school code is added to the country of Namibia.

Country Abbreviations

Namibia borders in the north with Angola, in the north-east with Zambia (with the Caprivi-tip ), in the east with Botswana, in the south-east and south with the Republic of South Africa.

NAM is the three-letter country code of Namibia, and NA is the two-letter country code of Namibia. The two-letter suffix is used in top-level domains on the Internet as .na.


Even after political independence, Namibia’s economy is dependent on the Republic of South Africa. With a gross national income (GNI) of (2017) US $ 4,600 per resident, Namibia is one of the middle-income developing countries, but the country’s wealth is extremely unevenly distributed. The growth of the gross domestic product (GDP) averaged 3.5% in the years before the international economic and financial crisis in 2008/09, an average of 4.8% in 2011-14 and 1.1% in 2016. The economic potential is based on the abundant raw material deposits, the rich fishing grounds and the good infrastructure; the backbone of the economy is mining (especially diamonds, uranium, zinc, gold and copper). Major obstacles to economic development include: the small domestic market, the shortage of qualified workers and, at the same time, high unemployment of around 30% (especially young people and young adults). 31.0% of the national income is generated by mining and the manufacturing industry, 6.7% by agriculture and fishing, 62.3% in the service sector (trade, banks, tourism, telecommunications,

Foreign trade: The foreign trade balance is negative (import value 2016: 6.7 billion US $; export value: 4.8 billion US $). The most important export products are diamonds, uranium, copper, zinc and others. Mining products and fish and meat products. The main imports are motor vehicles, machines, crude oil and petroleum products, as well as food. The main trading partners are the Republic of South Africa, Switzerland, Botswana and Zambia.


Around 70% of the population are directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture. However, the land ownership is extremely unevenly distributed: the commercial farmland is mostly owned by a few large white farmers; the black majority of the population lives mainly from subsistence agriculture. Due to the climatic conditions, only a small part of the country’s area is available for arable farming. Mainly maize, millet and wheat are grown in the north of the country; The majority of grain, vegetables and fruit are imported from the Republic of South Africa. Most of the agricultural area is used for extensive livestock farming. Cattle farming dominates in the north and karakul sheep in the south. 95% of live cattle and meat products are sold to the Republic of South Africa.

Fishing: The fishing grounds of the Benguela Current off the Namibian coast are among the main fishing areas for international deep-sea fishing. Since Namibia’s coastal waters were heavily overfished in the 1980s, Namibia expanded its fishing zone to 200 nautical miles off the coast after independence. The fishery and the fishing industry generate around 4% of GDP, and the catch is 444 800 t (2014) (mainly mackerel and hake).

Natural resources

With over 40% of export revenues and a share of 12% of GDP, mining is the key sector of the Namibian economy. The mining of diamonds dominates, especially in the southern Namib (2.053 million carats) and uranium (2015 production: 3,473 t), especially in the Rössing mine near Swakopmund, one of the largest in the world, which opened in 1976. The Tsumeb mine in the northeast (including copper, lead, silver and zinc) is one of the richest on earth. Other mining products are vanadium, lithium, cadmium, silver and gold. Over 700,000 tons of salt are extracted annually in sea salt pans. Great hopes are placed in the development of the Kudu natural gas field off the Namibian coast, through which Namibia will largely cover its own energy needs in the future.


Industry, which employs around 14% of the workforce, is poorly developed. In addition to fish and meat processing, the production of textiles, leather goods, soap and paints dominate. Only a small part of the mineral resources (e.g. copper, lead, diamonds) is further processed in Namibia itself. The main location of the mostly small and medium-sized companies is Windhoek.