High School CEEB Codes in Iceland

By | March 20, 2019

There are 1 high school codes in Iceland today, according to the ACT. The full list is shown below by city, with name of each high school and the city where the school is located (based on the ACT official site). You can search a school code by pressing “Ctrl” + “F” and then type school name or 6-digit school code.

Map of Iceland

High School Codes in Iceland

High School Codes by City

  • High School Code
  • 742102

The above lists CEEB codes (College Entrance Examination Board) for all accredited Iceland high schools. Please be informed that the list of high school codes in Iceland may change throughout the year. If you can’t find codes for the high schools of your interest, please write to us or come back at a later time. We will update our database soon after a new high school code is added to the country of Iceland.

Country Abbreviations

Iceland is a state in the northern Atlantic Ocean, south of the Arctic Circle, with (2018) 353 600 residents; The capital is Reykjavík. ISL is the three-letter country code of Iceland, and IS is the two-letter country code of Iceland. The two-letter suffix is used in top-level domains on the Internet as .is.


Iceland is 103,000 km 2 and lies between Greenland and Norway, where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates are drifting apart. The territory includes the main island of Iceland and a few small offshore islands such as the Westman Islands and Surtsey.

The inland almost untouched landscape was formed by hundreds of waterfalls such as Dettifoss and Gullfoss, gigantic glaciers, geysers, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The ash clouds from Eyjafjallajökull hampered European air traffic for days in 2010.

The largest glacier with 8 100 km 2 is Vatnajökull, it takes up one eighth of the country’s area. Glacier water feeds numerous non-navigable rivers, of which Thjórsá (230 km) and Jökulsá á Fjöllum (206 km) are the longest.

Thanks to the Gulf Stream, there is a changeable oceanic climate with mild, windy winters and cool and humid summers. North Atlantic lows and polar drift ice often bring storms. Iceland is fighting global warming with the aim of implementing the Paris Agreement by 2030 and becoming CO 2 neutral by 2040.

The country is poor in forest and other plant species. Mosses, lichens, mushrooms, blueberries and cranberries and small shrubs grow in the highlands and on lava fields. Lupins were introduced with the aim of preventing soil erosion. But they spread so rapidly that they threaten native plants.

The only native land mammal is the arctic fox. Mice and rats came on ships. Sheep, cattle and horses were introduced as farm animals. It is home to many species of waterfowl, including the brightly colored puffin. Numerous species of fish, whales, seals and harbor seals live in the sea.

Population and Religion

Iceland has (2018) 353 600 residents. With 3.4 residents per 1 km 2, the country has the lowest population density in Europe. Settlements and cities emerged almost exclusively along the coasts. 230,000 people live in the Reykjavíkmetropolitan area. The interior, especially the highlands, is uninhabitable. The population consists mostly of descendants of the Norwegian Vikings and the Celts. Their language, Icelandic, is closely related to Old Norwegian and has changed little over the centuries. Icelandic is the official language, and most Icelanders also speak English. About 20% of the population were not born in Iceland. Poles and their descendants are the largest minority.

The equality between men and women in Iceland is exemplary, 80% of women are gainfully employed and receive the same pay as men.

The social and health services in Iceland are very well developed. There is pension, health, accident and unemployment insurance as well as support for families, e.g. B. Parental and child benefits. Attending state schools is free of charge. The four public universities only charge an annual registration fee, the three private universities are cheaper than comparable European institutions.

The constitution guarantees freedom of religion. Most Icelanders belong to Christian denominations. About 6% of the population do not belong to any denomination. The trailer, which was founded in the 1960s Ásatrú community professing Asenglauben (Asen). They were officially recognized as a religious community in 1973.


Iceland’s oceanic climate is much milder than its name “Ice Land” suggests. The relatively warm Irminger Current (part of the Gulf Stream) causes cool summers (July: approx. 8–5 ° C) and mild winters (January: approx. -6 to + 2 ° C). The winter months are the windiest and wettest months. The mean annual precipitation is 800–2,000 mm in the southwest and south, 400–700 mm in the north. North Atlantic lows bring storms and frequent weather changes, intensified by the approach and retreat of the polar drift ice.

Iceland responded to global warming in 2018 with a new climate strategy that aims to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement by 2030 and make the country CO 2 neutral by 2040. Icelandic climatologists expect the glaciers to disappear in 100–200 years. In 2014, the first glacier in Iceland, Okjökull, disappeared.