Want to become a dentist, dental assistant, dental hygienist, dental nurse, dental technician, or dental therapist? The following schools of dentistry in Massachusetts offer pre-dental studies, general dentistry, dental assisting, and dental hygiene studies towards a bachelor’s , master’s, doctorate, or a professional degree. Please know that some Massachusetts dental schools also provide certificates or postgraduate training in general dentistry. Check the following table for street address and official website of each school of dental medicine in the state of Massachusetts.
- AllCityCodes: Articles about the state of Massachusetts, including nickname, area codes, and interstate highways of Massachusetts.
- CityPopulationReview: Facts, symbols and history about the state of Massachusetts, including different types of highways of Massachusetts.
List of Dentistry Colleges in Massachusetts |
Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine Address: 100 East Newton Street, Boston, MA 02118 Website: http://dentalschool.bu.edu/ |
Harvard School of Dental Medicine Address: 188 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 Website: http://www.hsdm.harvard.edu/ |
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine Address: Website: http://dental.tufts.edu/ |
Population of Massachusetts
About 6,550,000 people live in Massachusetts (14th place among US states) . The population density is 312 people per km 2 (3rd place in the USA).
The population of Massachusetts is growing, but very slowly. On the one hand, immigrants constantly come to the Gulf State, mainly from Latin American countries. On the other hand, due to the high cost of housing and other reasons, many people leave Massachusetts for other states in the United States.
The racial composition of the population of Massachusetts:
- White – about 83%
- Hispanic or Latino (of any race) – about 8%
- Blacks (African Americans) – about 6%
- Asians – about 4%
- Native Americans (Indians) – about 0.2%
The largest ethnic groups among the population of Massachusetts:
- Irish – 23.8% (Massachusetts is the most “Irish” US state)
- Italians – 14.2%
- French – 12.9%
- English – 11.8%
- Germans – 6.7%
The largest population groups in Massachusetts by religion are:
- Catholics – 44%
- Protestants – 11%
- Baptists – 4%
- Congregationalist/United Church of Christ – 3%
- Episcopal Church – 3%
- Jews – 2%
About 92% of the population of Massachusetts lives in cities.
The most densely populated eastern part of Massachusetts, in the area of one of the largest US metropolitan areas of Greater Boston, is home to over four and a half million people. The center of this urban agglomeration is Boston – the capital of the state and its largest city (about 625,000 residents).
The largest settlement in the western, less populated part of Massachusetts is Springfield. The population of this city exceeds 150 thousand people. Springfield, located in Pioneer Valley, is one of the oldest cities in the United States, founded in 1636.
The state of Massachusetts is one of the educational centers of the USA. Back in 1647, the Gulf State passed the Education Act, the first public education law in US history. In 1852, Massachusetts became the first US state to make schooling compulsory.
April 23, 1635 in Boston, Massachusetts, the Boston Latin School was opened – the first public school in the United States and the oldest school in existence today in the United States of America.
In 1636, Harvard University was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts – the oldest and one of the most prestigious universities in the United States and the world, one of the eight Ivy League universities.
In total, there are 121 (!) higher educational institutions in the state of Massachusetts. Among them, in addition to the famous Harvard, the equally famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MTI), the University of Massachusetts and many others.
Sports, both professional and amateur, are very popular in Massachusetts.
Since 1897, Boston, Massachusetts has hosted the Boston Marathon, the oldest annual marathon in the world, every year on the third Monday in April.
Boston’s professional teams are among the strongest in popular sports in the United States. Massachusetts teams have won five Stanley Cups (hockey, Boston Bruins), the Boston Celtics have won the NBA championship seventeen times, the New England Patriots have won the Super Bowl (Super Bowl) three times in American football, won the World Series eight times baseball (of which seven times – “Boston Red Sox”).
Amateur athletes in Massachusetts are primarily students of numerous colleges and universities in the Bay State.
Massachusetts is the birthplace of two very popular sports today – basketball and volleyball.
Springfield, Massachusetts is home to the Basketball Hall of Fame, founded in 1959 and named after Springfield College professor James Naismith, who invented basketball. And nearby, in the city of Holyoke, where in 1895 William Morgan invented the game of volleyball, there is a Volleyball Hall of Fame.