Your search found 6 matches. The following is the full list of ACT testing locations in Italy among which you can pick one to take the exam. Please know that on the test day, test takers can use any 4-function, scientific, or graphing calculator. On the table below, you can also find all test dates through 2019.
2019-2020 ACT Test Dates in Italy
Test Date | Registration Deadline |
February 9, 2019 | January 11, 2019 |
April 13, 2019 | March 8, 2019 |
June 8, 2019 | May 3, 2019 |
July 13, 2019 | June 14, 2019 |
September 14, 2019 | August 16, 2019 |
October 26, 2019 | September 20, 2019 |
December 14, 2019 | November 8, 2019 |
February 8, 2020 | January 10, 2020 |
April 4, 2020 | February 28, 2020 |
June 13, 2020 | May 8, 2020 |
July 18, 2020 | June 19, 2020 |
ACT Test Centers in Italy
City | Center Name | Center Code |
Catania | Sigonella Middle/High School | 867630 |
Firenze | American Lang Ctr Inst Americano | 873660 |
Milan | American School Of Milan | 871220 |
Milan | KION SPA (TECHNET) MILAN | 870310 |
Roma | Technet Rome | 870340 |
Viterbo | School Year Abroad | 871540 |
More about Italy
- IAMHIGHER: Latest statistics of population in the country of Italy, including languages spoken, urban population, birth rate, fertility rate and life expectancy for both men and women.
The climate in the Po Valley is almost central European, in the northern Italian lakes it is subtropically mild; the peninsula (the “boot”) has a Mediterranean climate.
In the economy, Italy suffers from a sharp north-south divide. The center of agriculture and industry is the Po Valley (Milan, Turin). Wine, tobacco, tropical fruits, olive oil, early vegetables and apples are exported. Italy is poor in natural resources; of importance are crude oil, natural gas, mercury, iron, antimony, sulfur and marble. The most important branches of industry are crude steel production and vehicle construction, electrical engineering, shipbuilding and mechanical engineering, and the chemical industry. Tourism is an important economic factor. Check watchtutorials to see Italy for Life and Mediterranean Flavors.
History: After the end of the Western Roman Empire in 476 (Roman history), Italy, split up into numerous individual empires, became a battleground for foreign powers for many centuries. Odoacer (from the Germanic tribe of the Skiren) and the Ostrogoths Theodoric were followed by the Lombards, who invaded northern Italy (“Lombardy”) from 568 onwards. Charlemagne conquered the Longobard Empire in 774 and placed the papal property under his protection. The coronation of Charlemagne as emperor in Rome in 800 by the Pope established the connection between the Papal States and the Frankish Empire. Otto the Great took possession of Northern Italy in 951, Heinrich II defeated the last Northern Italian king in 1013.
With the boom in trade and transport, the cities (e.g. Milan) gained increasing independence and power. Lower Italy was conquered by the Normans during the 11th century. During the Investiture controversy in 1075 the Normans and the cities sided with the Pope. The attempts of the Hohenstaufen to renew the dwindling imperial power in Italy failed with the fall of the dynasty in 1268, although Henry VI, the son of Frederick I Barbarossa, had won the Lower Italian Norman empire (with Sicily) by marriage.
In the 14th and 15th centuries, small states (Florence, Venice, Milan, Genoa and others) that fought against each other emerged in northern Italy during the Renaissance. In the struggle for supremacy in Italy from the 16th century, Spain, under whose rule the Kingdom of Naples-Sicily had been under since 1442, triumphed over France. After the local dynasties died out, Austria came into possession of Naples, Sardinia, Milan and Mantua after 1713. In 1720 Piedmont-Savoy received Sardinia (with the royal crown) in exchange for Sicily. In 1735, Naples-Sicily came to the Spanish Bourbons, in 1737 Tuscany to Lorraine-Habsburg, and in 1768 Corsica to France. French revolutionary troops seized power in 1796, and Napoleon became king of Italy in 1805.
After the collapse of Napoleon’s rule and the restoration of pre-Napoleonic conditions, the period of the Risorgimento (1815–70), the struggle for the political unity of Italy, began. Leading personalities in this endeavor were Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi. In 1861, under the leadership of the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont and its Prime Minister Camillo Graf Cavour, the Kingdom of Italy was proclaimed with Victor Emmanuel II at the head. In 1870 Rome became the capital and the Pope’s political influence was limited to the Vatican. In 1882 Italy concluded a triple alliance with Austria-Hungary and the German Empire. Italy was initially neutral in World War I, then on the side of the Western Allies. In 1919 it won South Tyrol, Trieste and Istria.
Domestic political crises and economic difficulties favored the formation of the fascist combat units under Benito Mussolini, who was appointed prime minister after the so-called March on Rome in 1922 and established a dictatorship (Fascism). In 1936 Italy appropriated Ethiopia and in 1939 it occupied Albania. In 1940 Italy entered World War II on the German side. After the Allied landings in Italy (1943), Mussolini was deposed and an armistice was signed. In 1946 the king had to abdicate and Italy became a republic. In the Paris Peace Treaty of 1947, Italy lost Istria to Yugoslavia and the Dodecanese (including Rhodes, Leros, Patmos) to Greece; it also had to give up its African colonies.
From the end of the war until 1981, the Christian Democrats consistently provided the head of government; they faced the communists and socialists as the most powerful political opponents. The post-war period was characterized by frequently changing cabinets. In the 1990s, the first steps were taken to solve the economic difficulties, to consolidate the state through far-reaching reforms of the political order (including the reorganization of the party structure) and to fight corruption and organized crime (Mafia). Prime Minister from 2006 to 2008 was Romano Prodi (* 1939), who had held the office from 1996–98. In 2008–11, Silvio Berlusconi (* 1936) was Prime Minister for the third time. was convicted of tax fraud. In 2015 Sergio Mattarella (* 1941) was elected as the new head of state. The number of boat refugees who have been trying to cross the Mediterranean to reach the Italian coasts, which has risen sharply in recent years, poses major challenges for Italian politics. In 2016 alone, around 181,000 refugees came to Italy on the route across the Mediterranean.
After the election in Italy (on March 4, 2018) there was a tough struggle to form a government. Giuseppe Conte (* 1964) has been the new Italian head of government since June 2018.