ACT Test Centers and Dates in Cuba

By | March 17, 2019

Your search found 1 match. The following is the full list of ACT testing locations in Cuba among which you can pick one to take the exam. Please know that on the test day, test takers can use any 4-function, scientific, or graphing calculator. On the table below, you can also find all test dates through 2019.

ACT Testing Locations in Cuba

2019-2020 ACT Test Dates in Cuba

Test Date Registration Deadline
February 9, 2019 January 11, 2019
April 13, 2019 March 8, 2019
June 8, 2019 May 3, 2019
July 13, 2019 June 14, 2019
September 14, 2019 August 16, 2019
October 26, 2019 September 20, 2019
December 14, 2019 November 8, 2019
February 8, 2020 January 10, 2020
April 4, 2020 February 28, 2020
June 13, 2020 May 8, 2020
July 18, 2020 June 19, 2020

ACT Test Centers in Cuba

City Center Name Center Code
Curacao International School Of Curacao 871790

ACT Test Centers and Dates in Cuba

More about Cuba

  • ITYPETRAVEL: Latest statistics of population in the country of Cuba, including languages spoken, urban population, birth rate, fertility rate and life expectancy for both men and women.

Cuban literature

Cuban literature, is one of Latin American literature in Spanish.

From the discovery to the end of the 18th century, Cuba has hardly any literary evidence to show. Diego Gabriel de la Concepción Valdés (* 1809, † 1844) and J. M. Heredia were the first great poets.

The romantic work of Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda was created in Spain. Romanticism and realism are combined in the novels by C. Villaverde , Anselmo Suárez y Romero (* 1818, † 1878) and others. The outstanding figure of the 19th century was the poet, essayist and champion of independence, J. Martí, who prepared the way for modernism.

The poet J. del Casal took the decisive step towards modernism, while naturalism in the novels of Carlos Loveira (* 1881, † 1928) and others. asserted. The skeptical positivism of the philosopher and literary critic Enrique José Varona (* 1849, † 1933) exerted a strong influence. The »Grupo Minorista« (1924–29) adopted avant-garde tendencies from Europe. Mariano Brull (* 1891, † 1956) propagated a »Poesía pura« based on the model of P. Valéry. N. Guillén turned the Afro-Cuban “Poesía negra” into anti-imperialist protest. J. Lezama Lima with his magazine “Orígenes” became the mentor of the entire newer generation of Cuban writers; his lyrical and narrative work was characterized by a partly mystical Catholicism in connection with a strong intertextuality and a quasi-religious role of poetry, in which the death-eros contrast is abolished.

The boom in Latin American literature was one of the reasons for the the work of A. Carpentier, who developed his concept of the “wonderfully real America” ​​from surrealism, which has a lot in common with magical realism. After the revolution of F. Castro, many authors who had gone into exile during the Batista dictatorship returned. In a first phase, Cuba became a literary center of Latin America, v. a. also through the annual literary prizes of the cultural center “Casa de las Américas”. Since the imprisonment and forced self-criticism of the poet H. Padilla, this role is no longer unchallenged.

Since the 1970s and to this day, alongside the literature produced in Cuba, there has been well-known exile literature that originated and is being created in the USA, in other Latin American countries and also in Europe. The most famous prose authors include G. Cabrera Infante , S. Sarduy (both in European exile) as well as M. Barnet and R. Arenas. Important poets are R. Fernández Retamar, Fayad Jamís (* 1930, † 1988) and H. Padilla.

With the establishment of the state Teatro Nacional (1959), the theater also gained international importance; important playwrights are V. Piñera, who lived in »inner emigration« in Cuba, José Triana (* 1931) and Héctor Quintero (* 1942, † 2011), whereby in addition to critically naturalistic dramas or those in the tradition of costumbrismo, there are also absurd ones Find dramas ( V. Piñera ) as well as formal experiments, so inter alia. by Jesús Díaz (* 1941, † 2002), who had also made a name for himself as a well-known narrator and lived in German and most recently in Spanish exile.


Guantánamo, capital of the province of the same name in eastern Cuba, in the coastal plain, (2016) 216 600 residents. Check cachedhealth to see Cuba As a Tourism Country.

Sugar factories and others Industry; Airport. 12 km south of Guantánamo is the Bay of Guantánamo (Bahía de Guantánamo), a 20 km long, up to 8 km wide bay of the Caribbean Sea. In 1903, Cuba had to use the bay as a naval base (a total of 114 km 2, today with fortifications and airport) ceded to the USA on a lease; free passage was assured for Cuban merchant ships. As part of the American law of intervention and the trade agreement concluded in 1902, which gave the United States access to the Cuban market, the bay that controlled the Windward Passage was of particular importance. Cuba has been protesting against the treaty renewed in 1934 since 1959 and demands the return of the bay. Refugee Cubans keep trying to get to the USA via Guantánamo. Since 2002 the USA has also been using the base as an internment camp for prisoners from the war against terrorism, who did not have the legal status of prisoners of war until July 2006 was admitted because they were so-called “illegal combatants”; this met with strong legal and political criticism and was revised as a result of a ruling by the US Supreme Court regarding the application of the Geneva Conventions. The closure of the camp announced by US President Obama in 2009 was not implemented. His successor D. Trump ordered the prison facility to be kept open in January 2018.