5 Examples of Letters of Dismissal

By | April 21, 2018

If it is time to end your professional relationship, it is important that you learn how to write the letter of dismissal. Informing your professional body about your intention to say goodbye is something that should be done formally.

If he looked for examples of letters of dismissal, he arrived at the right place.

Examples of Letters of Dismissal

Here are 5 examples of redundancy letters that will help you formalize your termination.

Example 1

Name of Employer

a / c Human Resources


Postal Code

Location, __ (day) of __ (month) of __ (year)

Exms. Srs .:

Based on the provisions of article ____ of Decree-Law ____, I hereby inform you that I have rescinded the work contract I maintain with this company. This termination of the agreement will be in full force from ____. From this date I will no longer work in the company.

I request that you make the wages to which I am entitled until the date of my termination. I notice that until the date of termination I only had x days of vacation.

I close with the expression of satisfaction I had when working with the company. I wish the company and all its employees success.

Best regards,

(Your signature)

(Your name)


Example 2

Company Name

To the Care of the Department of Human Resources


Postal Code

Exms. Srs.

I hereby communicate to you the termination of my work contact with your company. My termination will take effect on ___ of ___ of ___, fulfilling the legal obligation to inform you at least sixty days in advance.

I intend to enjoy until the aforementioned date of the period of vacation to which I am legally entitled (on dates to be agreed upon). I emphasize that at the end of the contract the amounts related to holiday and Christmas allowances must be paid to me proportionally to the days I worked on this year.

Without further ado, I present my compliments,

(Your signature)

(Your name)


5 Examples of Letters of Dismissal

Example 3

Place and date

Subject: Denial of Employment Contract

(Your Name), resident in (address as included in your contract of employment), bearer Citizen Card nr. (number of CI), under a fixed-term contract of employment – term uncertain – without term (remove what does not apply), comes under the terms and for the purposes of nr. 1 of Art. 400 and Art. 401, both of Law 7/2009 of February 12 (Labor Code), and without just cause, inform that, for particular reasons, denounces the contract of employment, fulfilling the legal obligation to inform you with (number of days) in advance .

In this way, the termination of the employment contract will take effect on (date).

Without any other matter, I bid you farewell thanking your attention.

(Your signature)

(Your name)


Example 4

Company Name

To the Care of the Department of Human Resources


Postal Code

Exs. Srs.

I hereby inform you of the intention to terminate the contractual relationship that binds me to your company. The termination of my contract will become effective as of ___ of ___ of ___, which means that I am complying with the legal obligation to inform you of my termination of contract with at least sixty days notice.

I note that you wish to have the right to the holiday period to which I am entitled until the date of termination of contract and make myself available to agree on the dates on which I will take advantage of the said holidays.

I would also point out that the amounts relating to Christmas and holiday allowances must be reimbursed to me at the end of the contract in proportion to the number of days I worked.

Without any other matter, I leave my compliments.

Without further ado, I present my compliments,

(Your signature)

(Your name)


Example 5

Company Name

To the Care of the Department of Human Resources


Postal Code

Exs. Srs.

I hereby inform you of the termination of your employment contract with Company Y.

The termination of my contract will produce effects from the next day (write the full date in full). From this date I will cease all my work that performance in the company, thus fulfilling the period of notice legally imposed.

I request that the salaries that are due up to the date of termination of my contract be determined and I emphasize that until the end of my contract, I have benefited from only X days of vacation, so the respective agreement must be made.

During the time I worked at Empresa Y I had the opportunity to work with a highly professional team, which gave me a good professional evolution. For this reason, I am grateful for the opportunity given to me.

I bid you with the most successful votes for Company Y.

Without any other matter, I leave my compliments,

(Your signature)

(Your name)