Top Education Schools in Vermont

By | April 28, 2018

Your search has generated 1 top-ranked education schools in Vermont. These colleges offer graduate study in field of education, leading to an Master degree. Check out the following table to see a list of major educational schools in the state of Vermont, each with enrollment statistics, tuition fees and contact information.

  • USAERS: Lists of major rivers and mountains within state of Vermont. Also includes main lakes and reservoirs in Vermont.

List of Best Education Colleges in Vermont

Rank Education University
1 University of Vermont
309 Waterman Building
Burlington, VT 05405
School: College of Education and Social Services
In-State Tuition: $12,180 per year
Out-of-State Tuition:  $30,744 per year
Enrollment: 110

Top Education Schools in Vermont

U.S. Population

The United States is a country with a very large and extremely diverse population. This diversity is due, first of all, to the history of the country: throughout the entire existence of the United States, the population has been constantly growing, including due to numerous immigrants. It is no coincidence that the United States is called a “melting pot”; here you can meet people of all races, any ethnicity and a wide variety of religious beliefs.

The US Constitution provides for a census every ten years (to determine the number of representatives from a particular state in Congress). Censuses in the United States are conducted by a special government agency – the US Census Bureau. Between “decennial” censuses, this Bureau conducts other surveys, as well as population estimates and other demographic and economic data.

The population of the United States of America exceeds three hundred twenty-five million people (the third largest in the world, after China and India).

The US states with the largest populations are California (about forty million people), Texas (more than twenty-eight million people), Florida (about twenty-one million people), New York (about twenty million people) and Pennsylvania (about thirteen million people).

The majority of the US population lives in cities and suburbs (more than eighty percent, despite the fact that the world average is just over fifty percent). There are ten cities in the United States with a population of more than one million residents and four cities with a population of more than two million people. The largest US cities are New York (over 8,600,000 residents), Los Angeles (over 4,000,000 residents) and Chicago (over 2,700,000 residents).

There are more than fifty megacities (urban agglomerations) in the USA, the number of residents of which exceeds one million people. The largest of these have grown up around the largest cities: the New York metropolitan area has over 20,000,000 people, Los Angeles over 13,300,000 people, and Chicago over 9,500,000 people.

The highest population density in the United States is in Washington DC (about 4250 people / km 2), the states of New Jersey (about 470 people / km 2), Rhode Island (about 395 people / km 2) and Massachusetts (about 335 people / km 2).

More than a quarter of the US population is made up of young people (people under the age of 20), one in eight US residents is over 65 years old. The average age of a US citizen is 37.3 years.

  • Homethodology: Brief history of Vermont, covering lists of top cities and all counties in the state.

The average age of marriage in the United States is twenty-seven for men and twenty-six for women. The total fertility rate in the United States is 1.87 children per woman.

Continues to be at a very high level of immigration to the United States. Immigration has been the main source of population growth for most of US history, and immigration still has a very large impact on the demographic situation in the country today. Most people immigrate to the US from Mexico, China, Philippines, India, Vietnam, Cuba. A lot of immigrants are also from El Salvador, the Dominican Republic and other Latin American countries.

A number of US citizens permanently reside outside the United States of America (emigrate from the US). This is due to economic (for example, inexpensive housing in Mexico), religious (departure of Jews to Israel), family and other reasons. Most of the US citizens permanently residing abroad are in Canada (more than seven hundred thousand people, mostly well-to-do).

Some statistics about the US population:

  • Age structure of the US population:
    • 0-14 years old: 18.73%
    • 15-24 years old: 13.27%
    • 25-54 years old: 39.45%
    • 55-64 years old: 12.91%
    • 65 years and older: 15.63%
  • Birth rate: 12.5 births / 1,000 population
  • Mortality: 8.2 deaths/1,000 population
  • Sex ratio (male/female): 0.97, including by age group
    • 0-14 years: 1.04
    • 15-24 years old: 1.05
    • 25-54 years old: 1.0
    • 55-64 years old: 0.93
    • 65 years and older: 0.79
  • Mean age of mother at first birth: 26.4 years
  • Average life expectancy: 80 years, including
    • men: 77.7 years
    • women: 82.2 years